The Call of Soul
ECK Spiritual Discussion: The Call of Soul: The Destiny of each Soul is to become a Co-worker with God.
“When you’re ready for something more durable than philosophy, metaphysics, or orthodox religion, then you’re ready for the knowledge that grants love, wisdom, and spiritual freedom. These three qualities are available through the teachings of ECK.
“The answer is in your hands.”
—The Call of Soul Back Cover
Have you heard a call, felt the longing to look for something you could not describe but knew you’d know It when you found it?
Join us for this interactive one-hour discussion as we examine the inner guidance that leads us to uncover our true spiritual nature and the path to spiritual freedom. The discussion is based on the book by Harold Klemp, The Call of Soul. Come share your story or listen as others talk about their experiences navigating the school of life to find the next step in their eternal quest to “Answer the Call of Soul.” This month we will be focusing on Chapter 3: Discover The Source Of All Truth.
We look forward to seeing you!
For people of all faiths and beliefs. You are also invited to stay for light refreshments and conversation after.
Location: The Vincent House
17473 Forest Oaks Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34606
For more information, please call 813-980-6100.